
Your wedding day is very special and cannot be recreated, so getting a skilled professional photographer to ensure those special moments are captured. My packages start at £500, but please note that these are only guides, I can tailor a package to cater for exactly what you desire to make your special day magical.


[dropcap1]Gold Package: £850.00[/dropcap1]


–          NEW! Wedding pre-shoot

–          Bridal preparing for the ceremony with bridesmaids
–          Bride arrival at ceremony
–          Wedding ceremony
–          Group photos
–          Bride and groom with family
–          Bride and groom arriving at reception
–          Reception speeches
–          First dance
–          Guests enjoying the reception
–          Slideshow of images of the day
–          All images on a disk and a memory stick

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[dropcap1]Silver Package: £700.00[/dropcap1]

–          Bridal preparing for the ceremony with bridesmaids
–          Bride arrival at ceremony
–          Wedding ceremony
–          Group photos
–          Reception speeches
–          First dance
–          Slideshow
–          All images on a disk and memory stick

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[dropcap1]Bronze Package: £500.00[/dropcap1]


–          Bride arrival at ceremony
–          Wedding ceremony
–          Reception speeches
–          First dance
–          All images supplied on a memory stick 

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[dropcap1]Ceremony only: £150.00 [/dropcap1]



–          Bride arrival at ceremony
–          Wedding ceremony
–          Newlyweds leaving ceremony
–          All images supplied on a memory stick

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–          12×10 Print                              £25.00
–          15×10 Print                              £40.00
–          20×16 Print                              £60.00
–          Memory stick                           £25.00
–          A4 photobook                           £70.00
–          DVD with slideshow                  £35.00
–          Slideshow                                £20.00